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Tsarstone collectors guide

Alexandrite Gemstone Encyclopedia & Jewelry Collector Guide

"Look, here it is, the prophetic Russian stone! O crafty Siberian. It was always green as hope and only toward evening was it suffused with blood. It was that way from the beginning of the world, but it concealed itself for a long time, lay hidden in the earth, and permitted itself to be found only on the day when Tsar Alexander was declared of age, when a great sorcerer had come to Siberia to find the stone, a magician." Leskov Nikolai Semyonovich. Alexandrite.1884

About Alexandrite Guide

The goal of the Alexandrite Guide project is to establish a comprehensive resource, dedicated to alexandrite gemstone and to create an open community where the free exchange of information is encouraged and where all content is freely accessible on the web.

The Alexandrite Guide is intended for anyone who is interested in the history, sources, valuation and collection of alexandrite gemstones. Topics also include chemical and physical properties, mythology, and color change phenomena as well as alexandrite synthetics and imitations.

Answers to the most common questions regarding alexandrite and its identification are addressed in detail and the site is an invaluable aid to anyone wishing to buy an alexandrite for the first time.

See About Alexandrite Tsarstone Collectors Guide

Alexandrite Encyclopedia - how to select, buy and enjoy alexandrite gemstones and jewelry
Chapter 1. Insidious Siberian
Chapter 2. Diaphanite or Alexandrite?
Chapter 3. Species and variety
Chapter 4. Classification and properties
Chapter 5. The Alexandrite effect
Chapter 6. World occurrences
Chapter 7. Synthetics and imitations
Chapter 8. Myths, legends and lore
Chapter 9. Alexandrite buyer's guide
Chronological History of Alexandrite
Methods of producing synthetic alexandrite
Synthetic gemstone growth techniques
The Alexandrite Laser
Frequently Asked Questions
Glossary of Terms
Treasure Hunter - research confirmed findings of alexandrite gemstones (1833 - 2008)
Carnaiba Mine
Caraiba mine
Esmeraldas de Ferros
Itaitinga Mine
Novo Cruzeiro
Teafilo Otoni
Serra Dourada
Deobhog mines
Izumrudnye Kopi
Malysheva mine
Sri LankaSri LankaTanzaniaTanzaniaUSAUSA
Lake Manyara
La Madera Mtn.
Girdlestone Farm

Gemstone Museum - alexandrite, cat´s eye and chrysoberyl gemstone identification reports
By varietyBy originBy phenomenaBy enhancement
Alexandrite (Chrysoberyl)
Chrysoberyl (Chrysoberyl)
Cymophane (Chrysoberyl)
Balangoda (Sri Lanka)
Deobhog area (India)
Horana (Sri Lanka)
Ilakaka (Madagascar)
Tunduru (Tanzania)
Cat's eye (Chatoyancy)
Change of color (Alexandrite effect)
Traditional (Cabochon)
Certified Strong Color Change Alexandrite


Grade Score 9 / 10

Price & Availability

RRP: $48516.00 Offered through
Natural Alexandrite (Chrysoberyl) Andhra Pradesh, India, South-central Asia, Asia 3.06 cts, Oval 9.30mm X 7.10mm X 5.70mm
Certified Strong Color Change Alexandrite Ov.


Grade Score 8 / 10

Price & Availability

RRP: $7041.75 Offered through
Natural Alexandrite (Chrysoberyl) Tunduru, Ruvuma, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania 1.63 cts, Oval 7.27mm X 5.77mm X 4.77mm
Alexandrite Pear Shape 1.01cts.


Grade Score 8 / 10

Price & Availability

RRP: $3927.00 Offered through
Natural Alexandrite (Chrysoberyl) Tunduru, Ruvuma, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania 1.01 cts, Pear 6.63mm X 5.26mm
Strong Color Change 9.2x4.6mm Alexandrite


Grade Score 8 / 10

Price & Availability

RRP: $3972.00 Private collection
Natural Alexandrite (Chrysoberyl) Tunduru, Ruvuma, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania 2.05 cts, Fancy 9.20mm X 4.60mm X 4.00mm

See options details