alexandrites and
color change garnets can occur in wide range of colors that are a function of chemistry and crystallographic orientation, it is impossible to describe color change in anything but generalized terms.
However, our experiences photographing and grading both kinds of stones in a variety of light conditions suggest that
color change garnet is usually more sensitive to color changes in the higher ranges of daylight above 4500 K. Whether in morning or afternoon daylight and with or without sunlight, alexandrite color is fairly constant and only shows a dramatic change under incandescent light.
Color change garnets on the other hand, often show a significant change between 4500K daylight and 6500K cool daylight (fluorescent light). Indeed some of the color change garnets especially from the new deposit in Chavia, Kenya have been referred to has tri color garnets because of their larger color change range. To appreciate the full range of colors in these stones we need to view them under incandescent, natural daylight, and fluorescent light. Without viewing the stones under every kind of light it will impossible to appreciate the full range of colors.