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Tsarstone collectors guide

Certified Fine Natural Alexandrite .2.60cts.

Bluish green in daylight and purplish red under incandescent light, the color change is exceptional. Although there are some silky areas, the stone is quite clean and transparent. Slightly silky stones like this one often show a superior color change. The cutting, proportions and finish are good. Some minor windowing is observable but could easily be removed with a repolish. However, with a weight over 2.50cts., the stone may be worth more as it is and we’ve decided to leave it as it is for now. Alexandrites this large and nice are always hard to find and we buy them whenever we can get them at the right price.

Certified Fine Natural Alexandrite .2.60cts.
Natural Alexandrite Oval 2.6 cts Natural Alexandrite Oval 2.6 cts

Grade Score 8 / 10

Very good (4/5)
Good (3/5)
Large (4/5)
Very good (4/5)
Extremely rare (5/5)

Price information

Availability information

Detail identification and grading report
Type: Natural
Species: Chrysoberyl
Variety: Alexandrite
Origin: Deobhog area, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Hardness: 8.5
Density: 3.75
RI-1: 1.741
RI-2: 1.76
Variety of work: Faceted
Designation: A (Not currently known to be enhanced)
Color light source: Cool daylight
Color description: vstbG 7/4 (dark very strongly bluish green)
Phenomena: Change of color (Alexandrite effect) Pleochroism Strong
Color phenomena: rP 5/3 (medium reddish purple)
Clarity type: Slightly included (Type I)
Transparency: Transparent
Shape: Oval
Cut style: Step
Symmetry: Good
Brilliance: Good
Polish: Exceptional
Width: 6.43 mm
Length: 9.69 mm
Depth: 4.92 mm
Weight: 2.60 cts
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This alexandrite photograph and specification is the courtesy of I believe it is for sale at:
&lt; &gt; for $13.665.
As for the independent ( not sure about how reliable) appraisal you can try &lt;>, although it will be based exclusively on the web prices.
Best regards
Posted by a Moderator, Andrei Vesselovski from London on 21/09/06, 11:13 PM

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