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Tsarstone collectors guide

gem stones

1. Stunning Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye Round 6.10cts
Rare Cymophane (Chrysoberyl) Round 6.1cts from Tanzania (Tunduru)
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2. Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye Oval 2.53cts.
Hard to find Cymophane (Chrysoberyl) Oval 2.53cts from Tanzania (Tunduru)
HTML, 14 Kb, -0001-11-30 00:00:00
3. Sharp Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye Oval 2.52cts.
Hard to find Cymophane (Chrysoberyl) Oval 2.52cts from Madagascar (Ilakaka)
HTML, 15 Kb, -0001-11-30 00:00:00
4. Sharp Chrysoberyl Cats Eye Cab 3.29cts.
Hard to find Cymophane (Chrysoberyl) Oval 3.29cts from Tanzania (Tunduru)
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5. Fine Sharp Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye 4.40cts.
Hard to find Cymophane (Chrysoberyl) Oval 4.4cts from Madagascar (Ilakaka)
HTML, 14 Kb, -0001-11-30 00:00:00
6. Sharp Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye Oval 2.29cts.
Hard to find Cymophane (Chrysoberyl) Oval 2.29cts from Madagascar (Ilakaka)
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7. Sharp Chrysoberyl Cats Eye 5.90cts.
Rare Cymophane (Chrysoberyl) Oval 5.9cts from Tanzania (Tunduru)
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8. Beautiful Sharp Eye Chrysoberyl Ov. 2.01cts.
Hard to find Cymophane (Chrysoberyl) Oval 2.01cts from Madagascar (Ilakaka)
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9. Nice Chrysoberyl Pear Shape 2.64cts.
Hard to find Chrysoberyl (Chrysoberyl) Pear 2.64cts from Tanzania (Tunduru)
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10. Nice Emerald Cut Chrysoberyl 8.18cts.
Rare Chrysoberyl (Chrysoberyl) Octagon 8.18cts from Sri Lanka (Balangoda)
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