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Tsarstone collectors guide

genuine alexandrite

1. Glossary of Terms for Alexandrite Gemstone Buyer and Collector's Guide
Glossary of terms that have been discussed or mentioned at Alexandrite gemstone buyer and collectors guide
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2. Alexandrite Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions about alexandrite gemstone identification and value.
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3. Alexandrite Buyer's Guide
Comprehensive guide for buying and evaluating alexandrite gemstones
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4. Alexandrite or Diaphanite?
An important study of alexandrite origin and the people involved in the discovery and the naming of alexandrite gemstone
HTML, 56 Kb, 2008-07-20 13:01:20
5. Chronological History of Alexandrite
Chronological history timeline, depicting the history of the alexandrite gemstone and it’s roots
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6. The prophetic Russian stone - Alexandrite
History of discovering alexandrite gemstone and the affect it had on the stone's name and the gemstone's value
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7. Chrysoberyl Species and Variety
Information about the chrysoberyl mineral, it's properties, varieties and history
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8. A Bibliography of Alexandrite Gemstone Buyer and Collector's Guide
An annotated bibliography of Alexandrite Gemstone Buyer and Collector's Guide
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9. Alexandrite Gemstone Buyer and Jewelry Collector Guide
Alexandrite gemstone buyer and jewelry collector guide holds information on history, lore, value and properties of the chrysoberyl varieties, including alexandrite and cymophane gemstones.
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10. Alexandrite Gemstone Buyer and Jewelry Collector Guide
Alexandrite gemstone buyer and jewelry collector guide is a comprehensive encyclopedia with articles, guides, glossary and bibliography covering all the major branches of alexandrite gemstone and jewelry knowledge.
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